Saturday, September 6, 2014

An AWESOME first week of school!

     My 5th graders had an AWESOME 1st week of school.  We learned 5th grade procedures on fire drills, severe weather drills, walking in the hallways, and behavior in church just to name a few. Our students are ready to learn.
     On Friday, all the 5th graders got together in the cafeteria for a "People Search" activity.   Each student had a People Search paper.  They had to fine a different person to fit in each category.
  Someone who has camped in a tent or camper...
  Someone who has a baby in the family...
  Someone who has visited another country...
  Someone who has a pet other than a cat or a dog....

   The hitch is that no one can speak during the activity. They must find out all the information using hand gestures of some kind. Also, You must have a different student's name for each category. Lastly, half of the people have to be boys and the other half girls.
   The kids had a great time finding out information about their classmates.
Even though the temperature on Friday was 95 degrees, we made it through our first week.
See you on Monday!

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