Saturday, December 19, 2020

Roanoke, The Lost Colony Flip Chart


      The 5th grade curriculum in Michigan includes a  lesson on the Lost Colony of Roanoke.     Along with reading the lesson in our text, taking notes, a Study Stack, and a short video clip I added a flip chart to make a short lesson summary.    My students like the hands-on work of a flip chart.  

        I found that children need the tactile experience when learn even in Social Studies. Turning the flaps back and forth, opening and closing reinforces learning.   These are easy enough to make in a class period.     If you choose to make a second or third flip chart for a later lesson, your students will feel confident and comfortable making  flip charts and the instructions will be minimal. 

            😀 Happy teacher  = 😁 happy students!
                         It's a win - win situation!

       As you an see,  I have the kids glue their flip charts onto loose leaf paper.    This way 
the flip chart can be clipped into their Social Studies duo-tang so it  does not get "lost ".

     My students enjoy doing a little added decoration to their flip chart.  
I'll do just about anything that will give an incentive to study.      Some students use more color and symbols, while others draw stick figures, add speech bubbles, captions, and arrows to enhance their work.     Each child learns by using their own style.       What works for one might not work for their neighbor. 

      The inside of the cover flaps can be used to write additional facts.    The student is able to write pertinent information on the lines of the loose leaf paper.   After the flip chart is complete my students enjoy sharing their work with their classmates.     In this way the next student can possibly learn additional information by reading a different flip chart than their own.    They can also learn from looking at the illustrations.

Please leave a comment.  I love to hear if someone can use my ideas.


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