Monday Made it
Guest Blogger - Barb Schuelke is my Zumba buddy.
Each year we take down our bulletin boards for the summer and put away all those boarder strips. Most of the time, we just want to put everything away and just be done for the summer. August comes and the bulletin boards need boarders again. Usually we can't remember which boarder in in which box. Barb came up with a great idea. She cut a short piece of each boarder and taped them onto the lids of the boxes that hold all her boarders. This way Barb knows where to find each boarder very quickly.
As you can see, Barb has quite a boarder collection. If you look at the top box in the above picture, you will see a small section of the flag boarder. In the picture below you can see the flag boarder.
How do you store your bulletin board strips?
Please leave a comment if you could use Barb's idea.
I am all about simplifying life and organization! This is a great idea for knowing what you have at a glance!