YES! Teaching IS the Best and most rewarding job in the world!
I have been teaching for more than 25 years. Second grade, Art classes, preschool, and computer class to name a few. For the last 22 years, I have been teaching 5th grade and it is the Best! There is the student that always gives you their personal best and then a wonderful unexpected gift. A gift like this makes you realize that our kids are the real gift.
This young lady stitched my name onto a cloth and added a darling flower. It brings tears to my eyes every time I gaze at it on top of my shelf at home.
Teaching is the Best and most rewarding job in the world!
One day I was pleasantly surprised by a former student coming to visit. He has grown from a little 5th grade boy to be a wonderful, handsome young man.
I could see his boyish smile and the twinkle in his eye as he came into my room.
He gave me a big hug and lifted me off the floor. He made my day.
Teaching is the Best and most rewarding job in the world!
While reading the Michigan Catholic newspaper, I read that a former student was attending Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit, MI. I had the pleasure teaching this young man.
Teaching is the Best and most rewarding job in the world!
A few months ago a former student asked me to be her sponsor for Confirmation. I was very honored and pleased that she wanted me to stand with her to confirm her new role in the Catholic Church. Two weeks ago I proudly stood in back of her with my hand on this young woman's shoulder. None of this would have been possible if I had not chosen to become a teacher.
Teaching is the Best and most rewarding job in the world!
When I started teaching so many years ago, I didn't realize what it was going to be like. I am so very glad I made the decision to become a teacher, the Best Job in the World!
Teaching is the Best and most rewarding job in the world!
When I started teaching so many years ago, I didn't realize what it was going to be like. I am so very glad I made the decision to become a teacher, the Best Job in the World!
I hope that you had a great day, too!
Please leave a comment if you have the time.
I'm glad you enjoy what you do, it makes such a difference, especially in your profession.