Monday, October 31, 2016

Learning to Apologize

               Everyone needs to apologize at sometime. 

        When child says "I'm sorry"  many times the  child who has been "wronged"  says, "It's Okay".   I have heard this scenario numerous times while teaching and at home with my own children.
        The problem is the first child hears "It's Okay" and in the back of their mind they  think "If it's okay, then I can do that again."
        I tell the child who has been wronged, that they should say "I accept your apology, but I don't like it when you do or say that.  Please don't do or say that again."
        In this way the aggressive child hears that the other child doesn't like what happened and should not do or say it again. 
       Many times the aggressive child will say that they don't like what the other child did at an earlier time.  Hopefully, the children will realize how they each can understand how the other feels.  Compassion for another person's feeling is a great lesson for everyone.

 This is a good way to reflect on what you have done and then set out to apologize in a meaningful way.

An apology is very important.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Apple Roses for Dessert


          I have been looking at these apple roses on Pinterest recently. I must say that I have been fascinated.  Yesterday I decided to do some experimental baking.  I must admit that I am NOT a baker my any means. But these were worth a try.

       Macintosh apples were on the counter in my kitchen.  After the apples were cut in half, I sliced the apples into very thin slices.  Some apples were peeled and some were left with the peel on. I wanted to see which I liked best. The slices were placed in a glass pie plate with water and lemon juice and microwaved for a minute until the slices were limp.

      The recipes on Pinterest call for Puff Pastry.  I didn't have any on hand so  I made a pie crust. The crust was cut it into strips 2 inches wide and about 12 inches long.  The apple slices were placed onto the strips of pie crust over lapping the length of the strip. A mixture of sugar and cinnamon was then sprinkled over the apples. The pie crust strip was then folded lengthwise over the apples and rolled up. I sprinkled more cinnamon and sugar on top of the roses.  It actually looked like a rose! I was amazed.  It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

     The roses  were then placed in buttered muffin tins.  The oven was preheated to 400 degrees.  The cute little roses were baked for 45 minutes. 
      As you can see, some of the roses came out of the muffins tins easily and others not so much. 

      They were tasty when warm.  I tried them after dinner at room temperature for dessert.  Like I said, better when warm.  I should have warmed them up in the microwave for a few  seconds.

      Please find a recipe on Pinterest to follow.  As I said, I am not a baker.
       I did buy puff pastry later in the day and will try that.  I will let you know how they turn out.

    Happy Baking!


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Minion Costumes

          This summer I was crocheting baby hats for my two new granddaughters.  I made several yellow ones.  "They could be made into minion hats", was a thought that crossed my mind.  My daughter asked if I could made one for a Halloween costume for her daughter.  Of course I can't resist a crafting challenge.
    Here is the minion hat I made.

        My little granddaughter has blue denim overalls to go with the hat.  

      A costume for the dog, Barkley, a Yorkie was also requested.   When they came to Michigan last Christmas, I made Barkley a little green felt coat to wear outside.  So I knew I could made him a minion costume.  It has velcro so it can be secured around his neck.

           This is not Barkley.  I don't know if he could stand still long enough to have this picture taken. I used an old  stuffed animal for fitting of the minion costume for size.

Wishing everyone best wishes for your  Happy Halloween shopping.

    Please leave a short note if you have a minute.  I'd love to read your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions.