Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5th Grade boys are weavers, too!

              I would like to feature  my 5th grade boys in this blog. 
Several of my boys worked together during their free time on the Fisher Price loom. 

          This Fisher Price loom is an "oldie but goodie".  I found it at a garage sale about 25 years ago.  My own children used it at home and then I took it to school. The kids really enjoy weaving.

         As you can see the these young men are experimenting with different weaving patterns and thicknesses of yarn.  As you can see, these three boys had become an excellent team!
If you look at the very top of their weaving you will even see a striped pattern.  The pattern has two colors, light blue and a darker blue. They also figured out how to make a checkerboard design!░░
Great work, men!

    Today I am linking up with
 Stephanie's Show and Tell Tuesday with Forever in 5th Grade.


 Please leave a comment if you have a spare minute. I'd love hearing from you.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Boston Tea Party Chest

       Last week my students discussed the Boston Tea Party.  We read from our text book, watched a short video clip, and took notes.  I also needed a prop. This tiny chest was perfect!  It is only about 2 X 3 inches. It has a little clasp and hinges on the back. 

      I cut open a tea bag and poured the loose tea into the chest.

        My 5th graders enjoy the props that I have on my desk.

                               Do you use props in your room?

      We will have a Skype field trip to the Boston Tea Party Ship and Museum in Boston. The kids all dress up in their colonial outfits for the day. We get to partake in a discussion about the fairness of the tax on tea in the Colonies.  Each student portrays a historical person from Boston at the time.   The Liberty Kids episode on the "Boston Tea Party" is shown while the 5th graders are drinking tea and munching on cookies.  

     Of course there is a story behind the little chest... During Advent, the women of our parish get together for a night of reflection, dinner, and socializing.  Each table has a different theme. My good friend Ellen, who by the way I share a birthday with, helped with our table decorations.  She made these cute little chests which had  candy treats inside.  It has been on my desk all winter.  Once in a while, at the end of a hard day, I would treat myself to a piece of candy.  I realized that it would make a prefect prop to teach about the Boston Tea Party.  I believe Ellen picked these little wooden boxes up at Michael's or JoAnn's.
     Thanks Ellen,  I can always count on you! 

Today I linked up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for the 
 Five for Friday Weekly Linky Party.

Please leave a short comment.  I really enjoy your feedback. 
